
Git log author
Git log author

git log author git log author

The output of the above command is shown in the screenshot MINGw64 /e/tut_repo (master)Ĭommit c81c9abe7c4c8273aIIab7d20a3aacObe54bfOOc (HEAD −> master) Location of lines that were added or removed In other words, if this flag is used, the following details for each commit are displayed: ∉ −−patch or −p − This flag can be used to understand what exactly changed in each file. The following screenshot shows the output when this flag is used − cbc018 (HEAD−>master) file2.txt ∉ − −oneline − The commit history is displayed in the following format if this flag is used −Įxecute the following command − $ git log − − oneline Some common flags that can be used with the git log command to customize the information presented are − The following example will display the commit with the hash 63096f31b85c0cfe26ffdce922564597fab0cf99 and all the commits made before this commit. To view details up to a specific commit, append the commit hash to the git log command. Spacebar or the Page Down button to scroll down by one pageī or the Page Up button to scroll up by one page To navigate through the results of git log command use − You don't need to use the whole name: git log -author'Jon' will match a commit made by 'Jonathan Smith' git log -authorJon and git log -authorSmith would also work. (HEAD−> master) in the above output indicates the current branch, here the master branch. 16 Answers Sorted by: 2197 This works for both git log and gitk - the 2 most common ways of viewing history. Tree => 9c435a86e664be00db0d973e981425e4a3ef4f4d)Ī change in any of the above values will change the commit hash thereby helping Git to maintain integrity.Īuthor − Person who originally wrote the codeĬommit Message − Some text (E.g., comments or some description about the commit) The pseudo-code to generate the commit hash can be represented as given below −Ĭommit date => Sat Nov 8 10:57:57 2020 +0100Īuthor date => Sat Nov 8 10:57:57 2020 +0100 The meta-data which includes the commit message, committer, commit date, author, author date along with the hash of the root object (i.e., the folder) are hashed using the SHA-1 hashing algorithm to generate the commit hash. Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA) or the Commit Hash − This is a long unique string following the word commit. The command displays the following details for each commit in the history −


The following screenshot shows how to use the command to view all commits in the current repository. The syntax of the git log command is given below − $ git log This command lists the latest commits in chronological order, with the latest commit first.

git log author

The git log command returns all of the commits that have been made to the repository. Let’s say you want to view all commits to the Git repository.

Git log author